Tuesday 7 April 2020

Covid 19 and Orangeville ON play testing

Spells & Arrows, Heroes & Spies is designed to allow someone with severe mobility challenges to play court side against the very best basketball shooters in the game. That is the long term goal; To launch that format.

But as a community we face a different challenge; Covid 19. No one is going out to play basketball any time soon but  this game can also be played at the kitchen table as a dice rolling simulator.

To play you will need a printer, 6 sheets of paper (card stock is best for the game board and spell sheet but not necessary), a six sided dice, pennies as counters, and a 20 sided dice (not a lot of people have these - a work around using a deck of playing cards is included).

If interested in a free game contact me via email at slingpin1@gmail.com . Please include "free game" in the subject header. ( 4 pdf files, total size under 1MB )

I hope you will consider being one of our play testers.

Stay safe and thanks for your interest,


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